Previti Memorial Foundation

Previti Memorial Foundation

The Previti Memorial Foundation

Providing opportunities; developing communities; changing lives: with support from the John P. Previti Memorial Foundation, non-profit organizations receive the financial grants they need to continue important charitable work.

James Previti established the foundation in 2009 in memory of his brother, John. The 501(c)(3) organization provides funding towards three areas of focus: at-risk youth, community revitalization, and programs to assist those affected by substance abuse. Learn more about each area below.

At-risk Youth

Children and teens deserve a safe, drug-free environment; access to education; and programs for personal development. The Previti Memorial Foundation funds organizations that provide these experiences and offers children and teens opportunities for future success.

To date, the foundation has assisted sports programs; arts organizations; high schools, tutoring centers, and other educational institutions; and centers that provide important youth programs, such as the YMCA.

Community Building

The Previti Memorial Foundation helps to revitalize neighborhoods by developing much-needed resources in local communities. It funds houses of worship, community centers, charitable programs led by local merchants, and national organizations that assist in local revitalization.

The foundation is a natural extension of James Previti’s professional work. An experienced and respected Southern California homebuilder, he is president and CEO of Frontier Communities and Frontier Enterprises, which help to transform foreclosed properties into restored homes resold to families and first-time buyers.

Substance Abuse Support

James Previti has spent nearly two decades as a volunteer with local substance abuse prevention and rehabilitation programs. He works one-on-one with those who are struggling to move past their addictions and reclaim their lives.

To mirror this personal commitment, the Previti Memorial Foundation offers grants to organizations that assist those affected by substance abuse. In 2012, it provided a $100,000 donation to the Cedar House Life Change Center in Bloomington, California. The funding will allow the center to continue its work helping those impacted by chemical dependency.

Join Our Mission

Whether you are involved with a related organization already or wish to support these causes, we invite you to be a part of our cause. Support the Previti Memorial Foundation by visiting