Ronald McDonald House Charities’ Loma Linda Grand Reopening

John P. Previti Memorial Foundation donates $10,000 to Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda; pictured: JPP Board Member Martha Cuevas, Ronald McDonald Executive Director Mike Kovack and JPP Board Memeber Christina Previti.
Our Foundation understands how a family’s presence alone can change the outcome of recovery for a child facing a critical illness or injury and receiving medical treatment, but when time and funds are not available that is where the Ronald McDonald House bridges the gap. The John P. Previti Memorial Foundation is more than honored to have sponsored the Ronald McDonald House “Adopt-A-Room” program with a partnership donation of $10,000 to provide more rooms for more families with children being cared for at local hospitals.
“Thank you so much for the kind and generous donation to the Ronald McDonald House. Your gift was a major component in helping with the expansion of the House to more than double the number of rooms for the families of critically ill and injured children receiving medical treatment at Children’s Hospital.
Your decision to support the expansion had an immediate impact as we were able to keep moving forward. I am pleased to let you know, that on January 17, 2017 we had our final inspections by the Fire Marshall and City Planning and were presented with our certificate of occupancy. Now, the Ronald McDonald House families, who we have been housing at the Doubletree Hotel, can come “home”.
The Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda, provides a “Home away from home” for families while their children are receiving medical treatment at nearby hospitals. The Ronald House serves not only families from the Inland Empire, but receives guests from throughout the United States and the world. Families from Fontana, Upland and all cities in the Inland Empire have had families in need of the Ronald McDonald House.
The families have a private room and bath, and each room is prepped with toiletries, towels and bedding. In addition, our food pantry is stocked for family use, there are in-house laundry facilities, a library, sanctuary, breast feeding room and a family activity center. The magic of the House is the interaction with other families facing similar medical emergencies. This makes their “journey” a little easier. Without your support families would have to resort to sleeping in their cars, on hospital floors or pay for hotel stays. You are providing these families peace.
The Ronald McDonald House serves all of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. With only one Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center in the Inland Empire, families throughout region are transported from distances hour or more away. The Ronald McDonald House is conveniently located across of Children’s Hospital, thus providing reassurance to the child, that their parents are close by. This has been determined to have a positive impact on the child’s recovery and the parents coping.” Mike Kovack, Executive Director
Want to get involved? Visit the Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House website to learn how!
See more of what we do by connecting with The John P. Previti Memorial Foundation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!