Upward Bound Sports Camp & Soccer Programs

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The John P. Previti Memorial Foundation has proudly sponsored Upward Bound Sports for its 2016 Season Sports Camp and Soccer Programs. Upward Bound Sports is a Christian based sports league and non-profit organization based in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. Upward Bound Sports provides positive and motivating sporting programs that challenge as well as encourage children to stretch as athletes. Their five different sports programs: baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer and cheer help guide these young athletes to grow as individuals as well as a team while getting “fit” spiritually as well as physically.

“Your donation helped over 25 kids participate in our Sports camp and Soccer programs who could not have afforded to otherwise! We appreciate your help, and so do the families that you were able to support!” – Lauren Griffin, Sports Administration

To learn more about Upward Bound Sports, visit http://www.upwardboundsports.org/ 

See more of what we do by connecting with The John P. Previti Memorial Foundation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!